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St Peter's CE Primary School

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We want our pupils to flourish in maths, developing a confidence and automaticty with pattern and number, understanding how maths is relevant in everyday life. We want them to nuture skills to be able to reason and problem solve. 

St Peter's Maths Curriculum Overview  

St Peter's Calculation Progression 


Maths is taught daily and YR,1,2,3, also deliver Mastering Number as extra fluency sessions regularly. We use NCETM as a spine and supplement it with White Rose or other resources where appropriate. KS2 pupils have their own log in to Times Table Rock Stars. Every class follows the routine of 

 maths pedagogy


YR Summer 2023 results

In Maths, 100%  achieved their ELG in both number and numerical patterns. 

End of KS1 Summer 2023 results

79% of Y2 pupils reached expected standard or higher by end of KS1. 


End of KS2 Summer 2023 results

end of ks2 summer 23 data

In Maths, 91% of children made at least expected progress, with 82% making more than expected progress.


Information for parents

Click  to see the information from our family Maths morning and  matinee