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St Peter's CE Primary School

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Personal, Social & Health Education 



Our school vision is all about ensuring our pupils can live life to the full. We believe it is through a robust and thorough PSHCE and RSE education that we give our pupils the building blocks for this to happen. We consulted parents on our RSE policy in November 2024. 

PSHCE overview  

PSHCE Knowledge, Skills and Vocabulary Progression  

RSE Progression    



We deliver most content in single age year groups weekly to ensure that difficult or sensitive topics can be addressed in smaller groups at an age appropriate level. We  have the same high expectations of the quality of pupils’ work in these subjects as for other curriculum areas. Our strong curriculum builds on the knowledge pupils have previously acquired, including in other subjects and we give regular feedback provided on pupil progress. 

The pedagogical approach is outlined as:

1. Connect Us activities: provide an opening into the subject matter of the lesson – note the pupil’s prior knowledge or misconceptions that might be demonstrated here.

2. Discussion: Learning Intentions and Key Vocabulary  used to check on prior learning/ understanding and misconceptions and to revisit vocabulary listed in the planning.

3. Open My Mind activities are specifically designed to connect to experience and prior learning. These activities and discussions can be very revealing and useful in tailoring subsequent teaching to match pupil needs. 

4.  Tell Me or Show Me activities are the core teaching activities of each lesson. Pupils’ responses to questions and discussions provide ongoing opportunities for assessment and adaptive teaching opportunities.

5. Let Me Learn activities are a key opportunity where we get alongside pupils or groups to deepen understanding through questioning and to address any individual needs or misconceptions identified in the lesson.

6. Help Me Reflect and My Jigsaw Journey provide opportunities in every lesson for pupils to develop skills of self-assessment, whether oral or written. We record these in floor books to be able to revisit prior learning and celebrate our learning journey. 

We have the support of a mental health and well being co-ordinator from a local school who delivers the RSE content monthly alongside the class teacher.  

The PHSCE termly themes are also used weekly in Collective Worship and celebrated in the golden book in our Celebration worship to highlight the high priority of the learning. 

For more information please see our PSHE and RSE Policy 





I think the PHSE program is great and the school should be very proud of this. 

(Parent Survey, Autumn 2024)