Friends of St Peter's School (FoSPs)
About FoSPs
At St Peter’s Primary School, we recognise and value the outstanding efforts of our volunteers and supporters, as well as staff and governors, who contribute towards school activities and events. Aily Slade is the current chair of FoSPs and Charlotte Challoner is the treasurer. They can be contacted at:
The Friends of St Peter’s provides an opportunity for these enthusiastic and passionate volunteers and supporters to fundraise and support our school, raising funds that benefit all of the children at St Peter’s.
Our Purpose
To advance the education of the pupils at St Peter’s Primary School, Alvescot, in particular by:
- Developing effective relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school;
- Engaging in activities, or providing and assisting in the provision and funding of facilities and equipment (not required to be provided by ODST/the LEA) which support the school and advance the education of its pupils
Who We Are
- The Friends of St Peter’s can be parents of enrolled pupils at St Peter’s School, teachers, support staff and friends who have an interest in supporting our fundraising. You can learn more about joining the Friends of St Peter’s in our Constitution, which is available on request or is displayed on our school notice boards.
- We expect our members to abide by our Constitution and be enthusiastic about fundraising for St Peter’s. We ask our members to be approachable, equitable and friendly, and appreciate that every member and trustee is volunteering their time for the best interests of all of our pupils.
- Members should adhere to all school policies, which are available on request and on the school website. Members should adhere to school policy with regards access to school premises and will not be allowed unsupervised access to pupils unless appropriate DBS checks have been undertaken.
- Members should treat all pupils and their families, as well as all members of staff, equally and with respect.
- There are five trustees who govern the Friends of St Peter’s:
What We Do
- The Friends of St Peter’s (FoSPs) supports the Headteacher and the school team in organising fundraising events and liaises with the Office Manager and Headteacher to ensure events integrate with other commitments within the school calendar.
- FoSPs liaise with the Headteacher to ensure events reflect the Christian ethos and warm and nurturing nature of St Peter’s.
- FoSPs liaise with the Headteacher and school team to ensure safeguarding and the well-being of pupils is paramount at fundraising events.
- A FoSPs Trustee will meet with the School Council annually to discuss their suggestions and listen to their ideas.
- All pupils will be encouraged to contribute by helping at events and being proactive in fundraising. This will enrich their educational experience at our school by supporting their understanding and awareness of our community, fostering their sense of personal responsibility, self-confidence and self-esteem, and nurturing their involvement in community life.
- FoSPs will meet regularly throughout the school year for general meetings as described in the Constitution; to coordinate, organise and discuss events, offer support to the school team for school events, and to give feedback after events and share suggestions. An AGM will also be held in accordance with our Constitution.
- Members who cannot attend meetings will be kept up to date via various electronic methods such as email (if appropriate), ParentMail, Newsletter and via the FoSPs noticeboard, in accordance with the Constitution and Data Protection Regulations.
- Monies will be banked in the Friends of St Peter’s account, and appropriate financial records and receipts retained in accordance with the Constitution. Funds will be allocated as agreed by the trustees in accordance with the Constitution and in discussion with the Headteacher.
- FoSPs will provide a 5 year plan to the school community and Governing Body and fundraising targets for each school year, as well as feedback on how funds have been spent.
If you have any questions or would like to offer any help please email: