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St Peter's CE Primary School

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Vision and Values  


We welcome everyone, as part of the St Peter’s family, to experience the fullness of God’s love in their lives. We aim for everyone to be nurtured in order that they can reach their full potential and so flourish, achieve and live fulfilled lives.

‘I have come that they may have life – life in all its fullness’

John 10:10 


   Belonging,Believing, Building a Future 

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development

Our school holds daily Collective Worship, led by a range of staff, pupils and visitors. It is guided by the Church of England liturgical calendar and also the six themes of our chosen PSHCE programme: Jigsaw. 

These are explored through a range of parables, Bible readings and moral teachings. Complimentary activities such as Spacemakers give pupils the chance to be still and reflective in a variety of ways.What is the Liturgical Calendar? - The National Shrine of Saint Jude Our enrichment programme leads to rich social and cultural experiences that not only allow pupils to appreciate their own context and strengths  but also have  new and different opportunities in our local community and further afield. Throughout their school life, we provide pupils opportunities to experience God's love and to develop a sense of spirituality. 

 Click the link to view How we promote British Values at St Peter's



St Peter's School provides children with the unique opportunity to learn and play in a happy, safe and stimulating environment in which they feel a strong sense of belonging.   We are proud of our school's warm, caring atmosphere, where every child is truly believed in and valued for who they are and where they develop a genuine love of learning. 

We have high expectations and seek to develop in all our children a strong sense of responsibility for their behaviour and a respect for others. The Christian foundation of our school underpins all that we do.

At St Peter’s each child’s unique talents and personality are embraced and developed, fostering self belief and confidence. We acknowledge and respect every child’s individuality, we listen to and work with parents and are committed to being integral to the local community that we belong to.  

Through continual praise and support, children are carefully nurtured by a highly dedicated team and supported by an enthusiastic and committed Governing Body. The warm-hearted ethos of St Peter's is very special indeed - the children really do flourish and are very well prepared, in the broadest way, for their future lives.