Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs is often referred to as SEN. It is a common term in education for idenitfying thos individuals who require more particular provision and may need to work in smaller groups or receive more dedicated adult support at some stage in their time at the school.
Our aim is to identify areas where children may be have a special educational need at an early stage.We identify pupils using OCC guidance, and inform parents if we think thier child requires additional support. What does special educational needs and disabilities mean? | Oxfordshire County Council We assess all children regularly and plan for their provision in class and any additional interventions needed .For pupils on the SEN register, this is recorded in a pupil profile. Progress is reviewed and outcomes agreed three times in the school year with parents and children. We aim to work closely with parents and children, respond to any concerns and celebrate achievements. Success for all pupils can come in many different forms. At St Peter's, we believe in celebrating the whole child and their talents, strengths and individualities, whatever they may be. Please talk to the class teacher in the first instance if you think your child may have Special Educational Needs.
Professionals Involved by the School
SEN provision in school is overseen by Mrs Grace Williams, the SENCO, who works in partnership with teachers and teaching assistants and a range of external educational specialists as required, including: Educational Psychologist, Support Service for Autism, Speech Therapist, Behaviour Support Team, Occupational Therapy, Language and Communication Advisory Teacher. The SENCO can be contacted via the email address: sendco@stpeters.oxon.sch.uk
Click here to download St Peter's SEND Information Report 2023
Click here to download Special Educational Needs Policy
Signposting Support
Distance education resources for children and young people with SEND - Special Needs Jungle
Support for parents and carers for children with SEND | Oxfordshire County Council
SENDIASS Oxfordshire | Information, advice & support in Oxfordshire (sendiass-oxfordshire.org.uk)
National Deaf Children's Society | Supporting deaf children (ndcs.org.uk)
Makaton Signing Classes - Singing Hands
Speech and Language:
Resource library for families - Speech and Language UK: Changing young lives
Autism Oxford - Autism Assessments & Clinical Services
Autism Family Support Oxfordshire | Home (afso.org.uk)
Welcome to Oxford ADHD & Autism Centre (oxfordadhdcentre.co.uk)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder | Oxford Health CAMHSOxford Health CAMHS
Information and advice | Helen Arkell
Dyslexia - British Dyslexia Association (bdadyslexia.org.uk)
For Parents - Relax Kids - Official Website
YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
Physical/Motor skills: