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St Peter's CE Primary School

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Learning at St Peter's

At St Peter's our learning is focused on our vision of flourishing and living out fulfilled lives.  Our pedagogy is rooted in understanding that pupils need to feel safe and secure (our value of belonging) first before effective learning can begin (Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs). Learning is delivered using a consistent approach as represented below. 

 There are internal and external factors, depicted in the diagram, which can alter our approach to our learning but the basic researched-guided principles stay the same. We aim to engage pupils, develop their knowledge, provide opportunities to apply this and so deepen understanding and develop skills and to express their learning in ways which grow them as a learner and prepare them for their next stage of education and life. 

Learning is shared with parents and carers each year through class assemblies, project work and photos on homeroom.  Learning overviews are sent home at the start of each term and weekly learning is shared on our newsletter. 

Learning at St Peter's help us to 'build a future', another of our core values. Learning at St Peter's has 5 threads; humankind, nature, creativity, curiosity and change. Through the lens of these, children encounter rich experiences which broaden and deepen their development over time. See the curriculum page for more information.